Some would say that the title of this blog is a complete oxymoron, yet it has been a definite testimony builder for me this past month. To start, the day before graduation, my dead tooth fell out. Yeah- don't know exactly how- but luckily Nichole was at my house and could kinda calm me down and make me laugh at the situation and then help me get to the dentist in one piece. Not only was I toothless, but I had to sing that night at a HUGE school appreciation dinner. Only the most important people who have contributed to the college, along with a few apostles were invited to this dinner. Thankfully, I got a temporary tooth in a little retainer I was able to wear!The next day, my graduation, my cousin, Cameron, passed away due to terrible cancer he'd been fighting for three years. Poor Cam was only 27 and married for two years. That same day I found out that a woman very very close to me that I worked with at the college has an extreme case of cancer that the dr's are very nervous about. A few days later, I totaled my little Mitsubishi while the other guy in the accident only crunched in his headlight and a little dent on the side. I was really angry but what can I do after it's already happened, right?!
At this point I was really upset with where my life was going and was not happy with where I was at. (Now I don't need to be confessing my depressions to you nor do I mean to make you feel bad for me.. this is all going somewhere, I swear.) I got the car stuff figured out and was informed that my insurance would pay for 7 days to rent a car. wow. I started to panic. Car shopping was fun at first, but only having worked at my job for about 2 weeks now, I couldn't get approved for anything.. I mean ANYTHING! I got extremely frustrated.
In the meantime, I went into the dentist again for him to fix my tooth that fell out. He said he would have to give me a veneer for that tooth, yet because it would have to be bridged, I would never be able to get braces. That thought terrified me, but he promply added that he would veneer my crooked tooth on my upper teeth as well. I started to cry to even think about having straight teeth. As I got to the dentist at 12:30 on friday the 24th, I did not anticipate staying there until about 5:45, but I did... and it was all worth it because he ended up giving me a full set of 6 veneers on the top, and they look beautiful! I seriously don't even know how to explain how grateful I am to be able to have a new smile!
A little stress was lifted off my shoulders as I no longer had to worry about my temporary tooth getting all ruined inside it's little retainer, and I had more time to focus on the car. I still couldn't get approved for anything and by this time, I only had 3 days to find a car. I got to talking with a guy my roommate referred me to and somehow I overheard him converse about how he went to his sister in laws nephews funeral in orem and that his family is originally from washington. We got to talking and sure enough, His sister in law is Tammy- who is a Merrill. We talked for a long time about my family, and we formed a little bond I guess you could say. He lowered the price of the car I was looking at significantly and my credit union finally approved me. Yesterday, I got my new car... an 06 Nissan Altima. It is a pretty car- and I'm so glad to finally have something other than my rental!
(That is kind of a cruddy picture of it- but It's a pretty nice little car!)
It's nice to be able to finally look back oh the past events and be appreciative for everything that has gone wrong haha. I don't think I would have ever gotten my teeth fixed, and I know I would have just kept pouring money into my car to make it keep running. How grateful I am for a great paying job that can actually help me not stress about the money going into my new investments! :)
And like Jack Black would say, my life is good...really good!