Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today around 11:30, I was looking out the window and told my manager to look at the clouds that seems to be moving really fast, from her window, she can see more to the right then I can, and she jumped up and said "Jenn, that's a fire" we ran outside and the brand new building right by us was rolling black smoke all around the south east side of the building. We called the fire department and by the time they got there, the fire had tripled in size.

Luckily, the building is brand new, and the only people that had to evacuate were a few construction workers. I'm not sure exactly what caused it to light on fire, but it definitely made us nervous being so close to our company. Pieces of the roof came flying onto our grass and bushes completely on fire. Kind of scary if I do say so myself!

You can see the progress from start until the fire trucks arrived. I am very productive at work, I know!

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